Green Mountain Radio Research Company

Welcome to the Green Mountain Radio Research Company's website. GMRR was founded in 1980 by Frederick H. Raab. GMRR provides research, development, design, consulting, and seminars in the fields of RF power amplifiers, radio transmitters, radio communication, and radio navigation. GMRR also licenses proprietary technologies for manufacture. Owner Frederick H. Raab has broad expertise in high-efficiency power amplification and offers a unique capability to merge theory and practice to develop the first prototype based upon a new concept. Circuits and systems designed by GMRR are used by both military and commercial clients.


Contact: Find out how to contact Green Mountain Radio Research by e-mail, telephone, fax, and regular mail.

Organization and Capabilities: Dr. Raab's current and past projects, along with his resumé. Requires a PDF reader.

Publications: The complete list of thesis, papers, patents, books and other publications that have been authored by Dr. Raab and his associates. Requires a PDF reader.

Technical Information: An overview of techniques for power amplifiers and transmitters.

Efficiency: Importance and impact upon power amplifiers. Requires a PDF reader.

Technology for License: Patents and proven designs for high-efficiency power amplifiers. Requires a PDF reader.


MTT-17 Committee: MTT Technical Committee on HF, VHF and UHF technology.